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Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars

Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars

Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars

Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars

Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars  Babylon 5 Avatars

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These avatars are made for YOU, do not hesitate to use them!


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If not specifically mentioned all content of this site is copyright © 2005~2010 Gilles Nuytens.
Any use without permission is strictly prohibited. Please do not resell images you find here!!
The Scifi World is in no way affiliated with any of the series presented on this website and all the photos used are the property and copyright of their respective owners.