Scifi World - F.A.Q. |
can I help the site ? |
Making this website is a huge job and cost me a lot of
money and energy. You can help me by making some PAYPAL
donations. You just need a Paypal account and click on the
button below and follow the instructions:
I Use your smilies ? |
- As a member of any forums or message boards, you can
use every smilies you want but only for your personal
messages and use.
- As a webmaster/administrator of a board, you are allowed
to use +/- 80 smilies in your board but
this is subject to some conditions:
- You MUST request me first
- You have to put my name (Gilles Nuytens) and a link
back to
in the footer of your forum and at the top of your
smilies window.
- If you want more than 80 smilies, you
must request it and I will see what we can do, but that
means more conditions.
- You are not allowed to redistribute any of the smilies
here. If you've seen the smilies redistributed somewhere
else without credits (except GateWorld), please contact
me now!
I Use your avatars ? |
answer. |
I put your wallpapers, interviews, font on my site ? |
can add some of the artworks on your site if you add the credits
(My name) and a link back here. But first, you must contact
me, otherwise you'll never get my permission. You can add
parts of the interviews with a link back here.
If you want to translate them, feel free to do it with a link
back and the proper credits. |
I translate your interviews and put them on my site ? |
you can with all the credits to Gilles Nuytens and
But you can't publish the intergrality of the interviews in
english. Only the translated versions is allowed to be published
on its integrality. |
you do some artwork for me or a website ? |
sorry, I don't do this anymore. |
would like a partnership or a links exchange with your website |
can have a links exchange at some conditions:
- Your site must be graphically correct (to my only judgement),
- You must have an interesting content,
- Your site must be visited with a good numbers of visitors/day.
That means I'd like to have visitors coming from your