avatars: Avatars 80x80px - Page 14 |
All the avatars available on this page are the property and
copyright © of Gilles Nuytens and The Scifi World. Redistribution
strictly forbidden. You are free to use them on every forums
for your personal and individual use only but not to redistibute
them on another website. If you want to add some of them in
your board, read the FAQ first.
Some original photos used to make these avatars are ©
MGM/Scifi. These avatars are made for YOU, do not
hesitate to use them! |
Stargate avatars 80x80 stargate SG-1 avatars 80x80 Stargate
Atlantis avatars avatar sg1 atlantis STARGATE avatars Stargate AVATARS Stargate 80x80 pixels forums