Date of publishing: 04th
February 2013
Rising star Cory Hardrict has been seen in a role
in the big budget sci-fi, action thriller, Battle
Los Angeles for Sony pictures. In addition to Battle
Los Angeles, Cory had a lead role in director Doug
Aarniokoski's independent thriller entitled The Day,
an indie action thriller described as an apocalyptic
siege warfare film. Cory can be seen at the moment
in "Warm Bodies" starring John Malkovich,
Dave Franco and Teresa Palmer. He plays Kevin, the
lead soldier protecting Teresa Palmer’s character
and second in command to her father, the general Grigio
Gilles Nuytens: Since
last time we spoke, wow it was already 2 years ago
and it was about Battle Los Angles, how have you been,
what were the most important things you accomplished
since then?
Cory Hardrict: Wow! Let's just say
the most important thing was having my son Cree worked
on 4 films since so hey life is good, thankful!
Nuytens: We haven't
talked about it last time and it's a little old but
you had a scene with Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino,
almost 2 minutes opposing him! What a great experience
it must be. Can you talk about it, please?How was
the man?
Cory Hardrict: I mean Clint eastwood
has this magnetic power that draws you in where you’re
on pins and needles; but at the same time he's a great
guy who's down to earth and a man of very few words.
I have the up most respect for him, and thank you
Mr. Eastwood for the chance of a lifetime!
Gilles Nuytens: So,
Warm Bodies. Let's start with the beginning, audition
process. Was it hard to get the role? Can you speak
about your whole experience, since the day you heard
about the project until you were booked for the movie?
Cory Hardrict: My friend had originally
mentioned the project to, I asked my agent
about the project because I wanted to get involved.
I got the part and the rest is history! It all happened
so fast, next thing I knew, I'm in Montreal filming!
Gilles Nuytens: How
did you enjoy playing Kevin?
Cory Hardrict: I love playing soldiers
so this role was right at home for me. And working
alongside John Malkovich is a actors dream!
Gilles Nuytens: Do
you have any behind the scenes pranks, jokes, funny
stuff you want to tell us?
Cory Hardrict: Yes, my cell had malfunction
in the middle of quiet scene and I didn’t know
it was mine. I was so nervous about the whole thing!
Gilles Nuytens: Is
there anything special you learned from this experience
on that movie?
Cory Hardrict: Yes, that zombies
need love too (hahahaha) and at the end of the day
that's what keeps the world in peaceful place, Love!
Gilles Nuytens: Another
legendary actor, John Malkovich! I'd be tempted to
ask you the same question than the one about Clint
Cory Hardrict: I mean he is a living
legend and personally he is just a great human being
great spirited man!
Nuytens: How difficult,
or easy, was it to play on that movie? Any challenges?
Cory Hardrict: Not at all, it was
fun to work every day! I get to do this for a living
and I love it!
Gilles Nuytens: The
movie will be released tomorrow in USA and at the
end of March where I live, are you happy with your
performance and with the movie in general, as a viewer?
Cory Hardrict: Yes, I'm happy with
it. The movie just makes you feel good about life,
it’s the new Romeo and Juliet but with a few
zombies in it.
Gilles Nuytens: How
was your work with the director, Jonathan Levine,
what kind of director is he?
Cory Hardrict: Jonathan is super
cool. He loves hip hop, and his vision behind the
camera is like no other. He is very comfortable as
a director lets actors do their thing. I really enjoyed
working with him, he is a great guy!
Gilles Nuytens: After
playing so much time with zombies, zombies everywhere
on sets... have you had any nightmares with zombies
some nights?
Cory Hardrict: No, not at all, especially
since the zombies in the movie are funny. They are
Gilles Nuytens: What
would you like to say about "Boulevard H"?
Cory Hardrict: It is a very funny
movie, and it shows me in a different light. I am
very excited for everyone to see it, it will be great
Gilles Nuytens: ...and
then, Malcolm McDowell... I bet you guess my question
Cory Hardrict: Unfortunately, I haven’t
worked with him yet but when I do will let you know.
Gilles Nuytens: Anything
else you'd like to add, Warm Bodies related or anything
Cory Hardrict: Thank you for supporting
my career and Warm Bodies in theaters, now! Tell the