the Myth of Atlantis |
2: Where was Atlantis ? |
This island of the Bahamas archipelago is the closest to the American continent. Pierre Carnac, historian, speaker, participated with Dimitri Rebikoff explorer in searches of what some thought of being a part of the Atlantis Continent.
What was discovered in Bimini?
A structure 70m long and 10m wide which seems to be constructed with big blocks of regular stones assembled with a sort of cement. Certain blocks, measured with a decametre and with a "stereo-compensator" are more than 5 m long. on some sides they measure to a thickness varying from 0,5m to 1.5 m. According to their density, these blocks can reach 5 tons weight. The outside face of the wall is sharply raised and aligned. The square of the lower corners can be confirmed in three axes. Some later facts seem to indicate that we are dealing with an ancient submerged port, with quays and a double pier, widened in certain symmetric places.
One of the major results of French research is dating between 13 800 and 14 200 years BP of a period of glacial collapse (noted MWP-1a = melt water pulse 1a on the figure 1a).
This climatic event of first importance corresponds to a fast increase of the maritime level at an average rate of the order of 4 in 5 metres by century during 400 years (equivalent of an annual melt of about 16 000 km3 of continental ice).
Can we date these structures?
We can use several methods. The first one is by using the general curve of the ascent of the water which provides information to suggest an age of 6000 years. Another dating method is the carbon 14 dating technique which advocates that at 3m the structure is 4700 years old and at 4m it is 6000 (+ or - 10 %). Extrapolation prompts us to believe that the constructions are between 8 and 10 000 years old, which are today, at an estimated depth 10 m.
For the upholders of the thesis of an Atlantic Atlantis, the archipelagos of the Canaries Islands and the Azores would constitute the ultimate vestiges of the sunken continent. Whether you agree or not with this hypothesis, it is necessary to recognize that the origin of the first Canarians puts a real ethnological problem.
The archipelago of the Canary Islands
When the French navigators landed in 1406 for the first time in the Canary Islands, they were unexpectedly greeted by the tall white skin natives, who named themselves the Guanches. The word itself translates as "man" in their language. When it was possible to understand their language, the Frenchmen were really amazed to hear that the Guanche people considered themselves to be alone in the world, under the premise that they were the last survivors of a terrible disaster which, several millenniums ago, had nearly annihilated humanity.
The statue of the rider of the Azores
Among material proofs withhold by atlantophiles to identify those archipelagos of the Atlantic Ocean as the emergent ruins of the sunken continent, we've got to remind the existence of an ancient statue which would be raised in Corvo, the most Northern island of the Azores. The interest of it, it is that it was a rider pointing its index in the direction of the West, as if it indicated the direction of America. We know in which circumstances this statue disappeared, thanks to a passage of the administration of the king of Portugal Don Joao chronicle, written in 1560:
" . The island of Corvo is called by the sailors 'The island of the Indicator' because they use it for navigating. Indeed, at the top of this island, there was a statue representing a rider on a horse without saddle; he was bare headed and wore on his shoulders a coat like the Moors'one. In his hand he held the mane of the horse and with the other hand he showed the direction to West... "
Hypothesis appeared in books dedicated to the Atlantis mystery only by 1970. It is indeed in 1969 that a first book on this question was published. The name was "Atlantis, the truth behind the legend ". Then there was "Crete wreck of Atlantis" of Michel of Greece, and especially "rediscover of Atlantis ", nowadays comes out a new book "Discovery of Atlantis". The authors are unanimous to confirm Plato's story. With the only distinction that it was not Atlantes but Cretans. Documents known in Egyptology allowed to determine that by 2500 BC, at the time of the 4th dynasty, Crete and the surrounding islands had formed a vast commercial empire which dominated all the Mediterranean pond.
Their capital, Cnossos, stood out by a completely exceptional technological anticipation. Houses were equipped with tap water. Art stood out there, triumphant. Vast mosaics wall allied realism to a delicious taste. The Mediterranean Sea was their prosperity closed field. Their naval, civil and military power was without equivalent. They traded with Greece, Melodramas, Cyprus, Delos, Syria and maintained relationship with Egypt. And so their technicians, engineers and architects, collaborated in the construction of the pyramids of Senousret II and Amenemhat III. A Thousand years passed during which Crete kept its prestige and its mysteries for the eyes of the other Mediterranean peoples. Then in the middle of 15th century before our time, there was a big silence.
What happened?
We know it for sure only since the beginning of 20th century... It is in 1900, effectively, that the archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans discovered Cnossos, in the North of the island of Crete, the ruins of a tremendous town which turned out to be the capital of the famous king Minos.Until then we only knew him through Homer's stories and Greek mythology (Theseus and the Minotaurus, Ariane and labyrinth, Dedalus cleverness) ... all this henceforth met, or at least was interpreted.So, when Evans cleared the King Minos palace, who appeared as a vast block of 20 000 square meters, buildings clustered around the central yard appeared to him without ambiguity as being at the origin of this famous labyrinth...
From then on, the searches of Cnossos gave the start of a series of discoveries through all Crete and its satellites islands: Mallia, Phaïstos, Zarko, and... Thera.
Minos, in the Greek mythology, king of Crete, brother of Sarpedon and Rhadamante and husband of Pasiphaeus. Son of Zeus' courtship with the mortal Europe, Minos is adopted and raised together with his brothers by the king of Crete Astérios after the marriage of this one with Europe. His wife Pasiphaeus gives him a lot of children, of whom the most famous are Ariane, Phèdre and AndrogéeIn the mythological stories, Minos is described as a warlike king, having colonized a big number of Aegean islands, thus amplifying Cretan power. We can consider that these legends lean on a historic base and reflect the time when Crete and kings of Cnossos undergo their dominion on the cities of the Aegean Sea.
Thera the round island
Thera, known before under Kalliste name - the most beautiful island - or Strongyle -Circular Island - is a part of the Santorin's archipelago, situated about 120 km heading North of Crete. The biggest island of all is in a moon shape, it is surrounded northwest by Théresia and southwest by Aspronisi. In the middle of the bay raises the smoking dome of Nea Kaméni. Formed with volcanic tuffs and limestone, it was the centre of a first volcanic eruption 25000 years ago. Around1450 BC. the volcano of the island of Thera exploded literally, spitting its magma and lifting a cloud of dust thick enough to darken the sky up to Egypt. The sea was covered with mud and with pumice in such quantity so the South of the Aegean Sea was impracticable for navigation for a long time. We find here, Plato's observation indicating that after the flood of Atlantis, ".the ocean had become difficult and unexplorable. Soon, ashes fell back everywhere where they were in suspension, and formed a layer of thirty to sixty centimeters. Thera and Theresia became real deserts, covered with a layer of volcanic ejecta of 30 to 45 metres thickness!"
On the island of Crete, nevertheless distant from 120 km, Minoans cities were buried under about 30 centimeters of ash and it was so from the Greek coasts to the Nile Delta. Even nowadays, carotages made in the South of Crete demonstrate that even at considerable depths (around 3700 m), it is still possible to find tracks of this volcanic ashes resulting of the explosion of 1450 BC.
By correlating modern scientific discoveries and forgotten old manuscripts and cards, The Flem Ath, a Canadian couple, arrived bit by bit at an unexpected conclusion: the vestiges of the lost civilization Atlantis would be buried under the ices of Antarctica since 10000 BC. The Flem Ath chose to forget the theories according that the vestiges of Atlantis would be in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean or of the Mediterranean Sea. Their searches leaned mainly on geologic data exposed in 1953 by an American, Charles Hapgood, developing the following idea: The increasing icecaps weight exercises an increasing pressure on the earth's crust, so much and so that this one moves as would slide the skin of a squeeze orange. Albert Einstein will write to Hapgood: "Your arguments have some weight and I have the feeling that your hypothesis is correct."
These movements of the earth's crust are today known under the name "continental" or "plate tectonics". But, according to present available data, the earth's crust would move in fact only around 16 km in one million years. Now Hapgood suggested movements of really different scale, and notably sudden and uniform gliding of the earth's crust which would have been able to generate an earthquake such as complete continents would be erase from the card.
The existence of this rich southern civilization would be an explanation to the origin of monuments spread all over the world and build with techniques so advanced for their times that they challenge any rational explanation. It is notably the case of the temples of Latin Americas, from Aztec, Olmec, Toltec or Maya civilizations, whose construction required means and science without report with those of their time. This theory can also apply to the pyramids of Egypt because, according to archaeological studies, those of the doctor Daniel Jackson it would seem that Gizeh's Sphinx* is older that we thought. We found evidence of tracks of erosion on the site that can only be connected to diluvian rains arise only 10000 years ago, and that goes against the fact that the pyramids were built by the Egyptians, because their civilization is born 6000 years after.
We can notice a really big likeness between the architectures
Maya (Mexico, Guatemala),Inca (Peru) and Egyptian.. Also,
certain hieroglyphic signs of the Mayas are almost identical,
of handwriting and meaning, to Egyptian hieroglyphs...
Although, all the Egyptologists do not agree on this fact,
we brutally get through the primal history in an already
very evolved Civilization, in Egypt (architecture, scientific
knowledge, writing,) Why? How?
ancient Olmec head (at the top) was found in Central America.
However The face does not correspond to the Latin American
peoples. But the likeness with the Egyptian Sphinx (below)
continues to intrigue the archaeologists. Would that be
an indication showing a civilization had already travelled
around the world ten thousand years BC.?
Would this civilization be the Atlantis one, legend of which
was for the first time told to Solon, precisely by Egyptian
SOLON towards 640CBC - towards 558 BC.
Athenian politician. The name remains attached to the social
and political reform which provoked the development of Athens.
He divided the citizens into four based on tax qualification
classes. The rich had access to judiciaries, the poor men
were able to participate in the meetings of the ecclésia
and sat henceforth in the court. Solon is one of Seven Wisdoms
of Greece.
would look as if the Gizeh's sphinx is
older than we thought. Apparently the sphinx was on Gizeh's
plateau a long time before the pyramids were built. Integrated
into the Khéphren's funeral complex, the sphinx is not aligned
with the axis of the pyramid, as if it was not a part of
it originally. Furthermore, on the site tracks of erosion
originated with torrential rains were uncovered and were
dated from 10,000 years ago. That goes against the attribution
of the construction of the pyramids by the Egyptian civilization,
arisen only in 4000 BC.
The settings of the pyramids suggest this connection with Atlantis. Scholars discovered that the pyramids are lined up in a direction corresponding exactly to the one of a certain area of Orion, as it was 10450 years BC, which means a long time before the outset of the Egyptian civilization. But at a time that could be the one of the Atlantians.
Picture: The setting of the pyramids copies exactly the one of the constellation of Orion (box), as it was 10450 years BC. Such knowledge in astronomy seems to indicate that a advanced civilization existed before our modern era..
Sources: http://artchives.samsara-fr.com
Author: L.B
Date: March 2005 |